Information for primary contacts

Lobbyists can authorize someone to manage a registration on their behalf by naming them on the application form. The primary contact will have access to the lobbyist ID and password, receive all of the registration renewal notices and any other written correspondence. They will also be the first point of contact if there are any questions about a registration.

Managing multiple registrations

A primary contact may have many registrations to oversee. The multiple registrations feature provides a primary contact with the ability to do this without having to close and reopen the browser for each lobbyist. Once a primary contact is logged in, he or she will see a list of all their lobbyists and their registrations.  This feature is designed for primary contacts of consultant lobbyists and in-house lobbyists for persons and partnerships.

Copy Registration

The copy registration feature is designed for consultant lobbyists only and makes it possible for primary contacts to duplicate a registration for various consultant lobbyists in a firm.